Friday, May 1, 2009

What can we Learn From a Weed?

I know they are weeds but still they are pretty to me.

Others may mow or spray,

Whatever to make them go away.

But i like to look closer

And see what they miss,

Delicate little beauties

That remind me

Sometimes we are too quick to judge

Or look the other way

When beauty surrounds us everyday.


Grace said...

It is my first spring here and I saw a lot of beautiful dandelions around... I was so happy but my mother-in-law told me that those are just weeds. :( So what? They are still beautiful. :)
I don't understand why they don't appreciate it.
How was your weekend, Charis?

charis said...

Thank you, Grace!
After i published this one i wondered if anyone else would understand how a weed might be attractive. So glad you do!
My weekend was wet because of all the rain but wonderful because i enjoyed the time with my family.
How was your weekend?