Monday, June 1, 2009

The Monster Moth

There are times i take a picture of something and when i look at it later i think the picture does not do justice to the subject of the shot. This is one of those times.

When i came out the backdoor of the house the other morning i immediately spotted this moth on the wall of my husband's shop. It was huge, the size of both of my hands put together! It was too good to pass up, so i ran back into the house to retrieve my camera.

The "Monster Moth", as it became affectionately known, was an easy subject. Many pictures were taken and the moth barely moved. In fact, the little it did move was due to the breeze that blew that morning. When the wind did blow the body of the moth was exposed and it was just as beautiful as the wings!

It amazes me how much love and care God put into every aspect of His creation...even something as simple as a moth. That is one reason i love taking pictures of nature. Some of the most powerful, moving lessons God teaches me come from being outside. Taking pictures helps me remember those lessons and when i share the pictures i share what i learn and hope others gain from what i share. That is the purpose of my blog and i believe part of God's purpose for me as part of His wonderful creation!